Like NEO in The Matrix, we are presented with two futures. One leads to a dystopian world in which climate change is accelerating out of control, and in which no-one wants to live, whilst the other leads to a world which is fairer, more equal and diverse and where local communities and businesses are benefiting from new priorities, technologies, habits and techniques to bring prosperity to all, whilst avoiding the worst effects of climate change. The only meaningful question is "which future are we going to choose?"
Christiana Figueres, former UN Executive Secretary for Climate Change and Tom Rivett-Carnac, senior political strategist for the Paris Agreement were instrumental in the successful negotiation of the 2016 treaty.
Their recent book: "The Future We Choose" illustrates in detail what those two futures might look like by 2050. They also outline the steps we need to take to follow the path which has the better future prospects. For the dystopian future we don’t have to do anything other than what we are doing already, aside from making a few incremental and, ultimately inconsequential changes. If, on the other hand, we want a better future then we are all going to have to work actively and hard to get there. |
Applying ourselves to the solutions is more fun than sitting back and waiting for disaster to happen
Even without climate change to spur us on, the world is becoming more unequal, more divided and more polarised in manifold ways. To create healthier, more equal and fulfilling futures for as many people as possible we need to get creative and observe and think outside the box, so that we can then re-assemble the box in more functional ways.
What is the ZERO Carbon Centre?
The ZERO Carbon Centre aims to get creative with the way we tackle climate change and create sustainable systems for living, working and playing. The system upon which all others depend is system of the planet itself, so we need to stop harming it and start repairing it. The single most pressing task is to reduce humanities atmospheric carbon footprint, so we focus on that.
The ZERO Carbon centre plans to become a demonstration centre of excellent for how we can achieve the good life by and whilst lowering our carbon footprint.
We want to think big by taking care of the little things that maek all the difference.