The Scale of the Problem
What is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program?
Why You Should Engage with US
What we do: Our CSR Business and Organisation Reports
Our reporting methodology: How we build your reports
Our reporting process starts with several templates. These are listed as follows.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) evaluation and reporting is a business and organisational approach that seeks to ensure that the business/organisation contributes in a meaningful way to more than just the bottom line.
- It seeks to establish and enhance, as part of its operational practices, positive outcomes in the areas of environmental and social effects, personal learning and economic-resource management and viability.
- It seeks to do this in a way that benefit all potential stakeholders, including those only indirectly connected to its core operations.
- Where there are negative operational consequences (externalised costs) it seeks to minimise these as much as it can.
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- CSR is essentially a form of self-regulation, as it tends to go over and above what is legally required, in terms of operational safeguards. It is therefore a concept with many definitions and practices. There is also a wide variety of ways in which the CSR process is interpreted, understood and implemented. This is because a CSR is a very broad concept that addresses many and various topics and seeks to understand and address levels of process complicity and feedback that is still in development.
- A good CSR process will help in simplifying, clarifying and making clear the impacts of an operation and also make it clear where the most cost-effective actions can be taken, in order to obtain maximum sustainable outcomes.
Why You Should Engage with US
- And SGCo CSR Report, and ongoing relationship-based process, offers powerful empowering tools to individuals, groups and organisations to act more in accordance with their core purpose, whilst contributing to delivering local an and global sustainable development goals.
- SGCo has seven years direct experience engaging with these issues and its director, Michael Hallam, has over twenty years experience.
- Economist Michael Spence (among others) has observed that value (in the form of assets and profits) flows to what is scarce.
- As value is increasingly derived from intangible assets, knowledge and networks, it becomes increasingly difficult to make sense of value creation in conventional manufacturing terms.
- In addition, we have an increasingly volatile world which makes long-term prediction and planning increasingly difficult. An ability to respond creatively to a change-driven world creates new opportunities for delivering innovative and profitable solutions for restoring stability
- Developing a CSR Strategy that relies on both quantitive and qualitative assessments is one way of giving you a comprehensive overview of ALL your companies activities (both internalised and externalised), thus giving you a better chance of being able to contextualise and respond positively to rapidly changing circumstances, also to spot new opportunities for development.
- We put the human being, rather than the system, at the centre of all we do and then help you ensure that your organisations and systems benefit you and the people and purposes they are supposed to serve, rather than expecting people to service an infrastructure that might no longer be fit for purpose.
What we do: Our CSR Business and Organisation Reports
- SGCo helps you develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) auditing of your operation using our bespoke and comprehensive auditing process.
- Our CSR approach is underpinned by a Quadruple bottom line approach to development and value-auditing.
- Our approach is facilitated by our unique and bespoke auditing methodology.
Our reporting methodology: How we build your reports
Our reporting process starts with several templates. These are listed as follows.
- Reference to two ISO ( templates for standardisation
- ISO 26000: SGC takes as its guide the ISO 26000 standards for CSR and the UN (17 sustainability goals).
- ISO 14001: "as [businesses] see greater reliance on external parties to deliver solutions and an increase on contracting for outcomes, the emphasis on collaborative working will grow" ISO 44001 Collaborative business relationship management systems – Requirements and framework is an international standard published 1 March 2017 by the International Organisation for Standardisation. It is based on British Standards BS 11000, initially developed from 2006 as PAS 11000 (2006). ISO 44001 is now aligned to the high level structure that covers all ISO management standards, and incorporates the eight stage life cycle model that was the basis for BS 11000 to help business partners maximize the value of collaborative working: (Source:
- Local Development Goals: We use a template of international sustainability goals correlated with local development goal, for example, the (LCC 5 year development plan) to identify common goals and targets unique to Lancaster District, but set within the context of global development aspirations.
- A Sector by Sector Approach: The next step is to look at economy, society the environment and human learning, using a quadruple bottom line approach that recognises 20 industrial areas (sectors) of operation.
- These sectors are based upon the UK standard industry sectors but have been refined to reflect wider outputs and impacts. They have also been extended to include areas that are not traditionally considered to be of economic value such as personal learning, environmental restoration and the workings of the circular economy.
- Individual businesses and organisations can then be assigned a 'dna' profile of which sector(s) they operate within, as a first step to completing an initial audit. this already places the client within a wiser social and economic developmental context.
- Doughnut Economics: A financial modelling system for the 21st Century: SGC works with the Doughnut economic model, which adds an additional community-wide strategic context that places your operation within an emerging indicator set that measures holistic inclusive success (for people. organisation and planet)

Business Counseling Service
Meeting you or your team to listen. what is it you are doing? What is it you need to do? What are the underlying intentions and motivations for the outcomes you want to achieve? This service helps you ensure that what you want to do matches the means you are taking to achieve your outcomes.
This service is offered on a per-hour session basis.
For individual and group quotes, in the first instance, email me: [email protected]
Meeting you or your team to listen. what is it you are doing? What is it you need to do? What are the underlying intentions and motivations for the outcomes you want to achieve? This service helps you ensure that what you want to do matches the means you are taking to achieve your outcomes.
This service is offered on a per-hour session basis.
For individual and group quotes, in the first instance, email me: [email protected]
To find out more about our methodology and approach and what we can do for you please contact us.