Simplifying the Loca Trade vs Fair Trade Conundrum
Have you ever had the conversation about which is more important: fair traded or local goods and services? I have. Several years ago in the early days of the ESTA Network I remember a particularly intersting meeting where this was the topic of conversation.
A framework for comprehensive quadruple bottom line auditing and prioritisation.
1 - We made it through to the other side!
2 - The main economy colapsed but we managed to keep society and the environment intact.
3 - Sounds like a technological eco-tyrrany where we were saved from ourselfs in spite of ourselves. Maye the machines too over?
4 - The biosphere bounced back by reducing humanity to a rump clinging on for survival - probably due to multiple pandemics.
5 - We finanlly learned how to live together and meet all our needs. Pity we all had to move into underground cities to achieve this.
6 - An equal society in whch the economy and the environment have crashed is very unlikely, unless human nubers have been knocked right down to next to nothing.
7 - The economy is doing great but socieity and the planet is in ruins. This is probably the super-rich playing economy from the security of their binkers and hollwed out mountains.
8 - Everyone and everthing on earth loses in this scenareo.
2 - The main economy colapsed but we managed to keep society and the environment intact.
3 - Sounds like a technological eco-tyrrany where we were saved from ourselfs in spite of ourselves. Maye the machines too over?
4 - The biosphere bounced back by reducing humanity to a rump clinging on for survival - probably due to multiple pandemics.
5 - We finanlly learned how to live together and meet all our needs. Pity we all had to move into underground cities to achieve this.
6 - An equal society in whch the economy and the environment have crashed is very unlikely, unless human nubers have been knocked right down to next to nothing.
7 - The economy is doing great but socieity and the planet is in ruins. This is probably the super-rich playing economy from the security of their binkers and hollwed out mountains.
8 - Everyone and everthing on earth loses in this scenareo.